pull oneself up

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pull oneself up

更新时间:2024-06-11 01:56:58
  • 双语例句

1. I am envied from the heart in they, and oneself however because of various reasons, did not find a job from beginning to end, the reason that respecting fails, I think nothing more than: One of, capacity is insufficient, belong to foolhardy generation; secondly, experience is scant, the person; that most company goes money not to hope to look for a not very to be able to work of course thirdly, southern mandarin, in northwest can one word does not pull understood too little; its 4, taller to the requirement of the job and enterprise, that moment or not reconciled to put down him the head of nobility of that crack oneself up!

2. He lifts the foot to proceed, who knows also less than 100 steps, hears between the branch chirp birdcalls, looks up hurriedly, sees only crowd of birds really to use the beak, the claw to entrain a cloth to pull pulls, their you snatch me to seize, quarrels mutually, everybody wants to possess oneself of the cloth.

  • 临近词
The computer term boot is short for bootstrap or bootstrap load and derives from the phrase to pull oneself up by one's bootstraps.(指使用一个很小的程序将某个特定的程序(通常是指操作系统)载入计算机中。亦指启动节点,引导节点。)
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